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Supercharge People, Teams and Organizations.

If you've optimized your team, but not your people, you're not really optimized. At Modus Cooperandi, we work with individuals, teams and the organization to make sure that everyone is communicating and working effectively. We use:

  • Personal Kanban - for individuals and teams
  • Agile Practices - for teams
  • Lean Methods - for teams and organizations

We focus on coaching at the individual, team and organizational levels to create sustainable and competitive teams.

Collaborating with the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

The Food and Agricultural Office of the United Nations (Photo by FAO) Modus Cooperandi has begun a project to help the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) create on-line training courses in distributed collaboration.  Modus joins thought leaders and experts from around the world in building a curriculum that will help workers from FAO and other organizations collaborate from a distance.  The project's aim is to provide knowledge of patterns, practices and tools that facilitate distributed collaboration and knowledge sharing - making remote locations no longer isolated , and providing expertise more quickly and at much lower cost. The resulting materials will be made available in seven languages and is scheduled for public use by the Summer of 2010.

Personal Kanban at the World Bank: Modus Cooperandi Info Pak 1 Released

This is the first in a series of Modus Cooperandi's InfoPaks. They are downloadable, and work like a narrative whitepaper. Think of them like graphic novels for business.

In InfoPak One: Personal Kanban at the World Bank, we discuss the experience we had leading a rapid development project at the World Bank, specifically, how visual controls work with small groups, and why they are preferable to traditional team management.

This InfoPak is best read by clicking the “Full” button above. It’s also designed to be downloaded to distribute to others. Over the next few weeks, we will post more InfoPaks on Personal Kanban. Please feel free to comment and let us know what you think.

Gov 2.0 University Launches in Washington, DC

JimBenson_01 Sep. 16 07.52 Gov 2.0 University begins on September 29th & 30th at LMI in Tyson's Corner, Virginia.  Modus Cooperandi has been working with Hinchcliffe & Company and LMI to create a cutting-edge curriculum that focuses on how to employ 2.0 technologies, patterns, and practices. Courses are already scheduled into 2010. The university includes personal briefings for high ranking officials, two day managers' seminars, and five day practitioner courses.

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