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Work Smarter: What’s Your Modus?

The lifeblood of every business is its people. Business relies on individuals who collaborate to get work done, solve problems, make good decisions, and innovate. The Modus Press library features books that explore how people work, how we spot opportunities, and what to do to improve and make work better together. 

Winner of the Shingo Award

Winner of the Shingo Award

Personal Kanban

Better manage work, prioritize, understand what's important, see who is doing what...simply put, make work less stressful and you more effective. The original and definitive text on using Personal Kanban for Individuals and Teams at home and at the office.

Why & How to Work Within Your Capacity

Why & How to Work Within Your Capacity

Why Limit WIP

We can't do more work than we can handle, yet we regularly overload ourselves. We feel the stress personally, professionally, and even organizationally. Why Limit WIP gives concrete technique for limiting work-in-progress to a level you can complete and provides a guide for why that is important.

The Psychology of the Office Explained

The Psychology of the Office Explained

Why Plans fail

Every office has a personality and is filled with personalities. We are all governed by decision-making short-cuts called "cognitive biases" that drive behavior but sometimes can lead us astray. Why Plans Fail discusses how business decision making is subject to these biases and what, perhaps, to do about it.

Modus Institute

Online classes that teach the foundations of healthy ways of working for individuals, teams, and organizations.

Modus Institute has classes, certifications, and accreditations, taught by award-winning, thoughtful, personal instructors. Self paced, relaxed schedule, tight schedule. Solo or in groups. We have a way of learning that fits your unique needs. All backed up with by a vibrant and growing international community of professionals.

Visualize the Work & Get it Done

Hundreds of Videos

Hundreds of Conversations

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